Hello Has anyone successfully built boost on an Mac running MacOS 10.4? If so I'd appreciate some pointers on what worked for you. I've tried both boost 1.32 and a "fresh from CVS" copy with gcc 3.3 and gcc 4.0 on a Powerbook G4 with 512Mb RAM with a fresh install of MacOS 10.4. The Mac has 1.15Gb free on the startup partition and 1.36Gb free on the partition where I'm compiling boost. So far no attempt has met with success. All builds were attempted from the Terminal app with no other applications runnng. Compiling boost 1.32 with gcc 4.0 (the default compiler on MacOS 10.4) fails (unrecognised compiler version) because at the time 1.32 was released gcc 4.0 was not available. Compiling boost 1.32 with gcc 3.3 (bjam "-sTOOLS=darwin" "-sGCC=gcc-3.3" "-sGXX=gcc-3.3" stage) gives some rather strange results. Link actions seems to fail such as: ...failed darwin-Link-DyLib-action bin/boost/libs/date_time/build/libboost_date_time.dylib/darwin/debug/shared-linkable-true/libboost_date_time-d-1_32.dylib... Almost all the calls to ld gives undefined symbol errors similar to (I'm not sure if this is due to previously failed link actions): darwin-Link-DyLib-action bin/boost/libs/date_time/build/libboost_date_time.dylib/darwin/debug/shared-linkable-true/libboost_date_time-d-1_32.dylib ld: Undefined symbols: __ZNKSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEE3endEv __ZNKSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEE5beginEv __ZNKSs2atEm __ZNKSs3endEv __ZNKSs5beginEv __ZNKSs6lengthEv __ZNKSs7compareERKSs __ZNKSt11logic_error4whatEv __ZNKSt18basic_stringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE3strEv __ZNKSt18basic_stringstreamIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEE3strEv __ZNKSt9basic_iosIcSt11char_traitsIcEE4failEv __ZNKSt9basic_iosIwSt11char_traitsIwEE4failEv __ZNKSt9type_infoeqERKS_ __ZNSaIcEC1Ev __ZNSaIcED1Ev After about 15 minutes or so the Mac grinds to a halt and starts popping up dialog boxes warning that the startup disk is full and then later that "Your Mac OS X startup disk has no more space available for application memory. To avoid problems with your computer quit any applications you may not be using" Using gcc 4.0 (bjam "-sTOOLS=darwin" stage) on the the CVS copy gives many errors similar to this: ...failed darwin-C++-action bin/boost/libs/wave/build/libboost_wave.a/darwin/release/cpp_re.o... ...skipped <@boost!libs!wave!build/libboost_wave.a/darwin/release>libboost_wave-1_33.a for lack of <@boost!libs!wave!build/libboost_wave.a/darwin/release>instantiate_cpp_exprgrammar.o... ...skipped <@boost!lib>libboost_wave-1_33.a for lack of <@boost!libs!wave!build/libboost_wave.a/darwin/release>libboost_wave-1_33.a... Previously I've been using boost 1.32 on a machine running Red Hat Linux 8 with gcc 3.2 and have not experienced any problems getting it to build. Any advice appreciated.... thanks Dave

On 5/9/05, Dave Snowdon
Compiling boost 1.32 with gcc 3.3 (bjam "-sTOOLS=darwin" "-sGCC=gcc-3.3" "-sGXX=gcc-3.3" stage) gives some rather strange results. Link actions seems to fail such as:
...failed darwin-Link-DyLib-action bin/boost/libs/date_time/build/libboost_date_time.dylib/darwin/debug/shared-linkable-true/libboost_date_time-d-1_32.dylib...
Almost all the calls to ld gives undefined symbol errors similar to (I'm not sure if this is due to previously failed link actions):
darwin-Link-DyLib-action bin/boost/libs/date_time/build/libboost_date_time.dylib/darwin/debug/shared-linkable-true/libboost_date_time-d-1_32.dylib
ld: Undefined symbols:
__ZNKSbIwSt11char_traitsIwESaIwEE3endEv [...]
This looks like an error caused by linking with "gcc" instead of "g++". When you use gcc as your linker, it doesn't automatically pull in libstdc++, which might explain the unresolved externals. Perhaps you should try "-sGXX=g++-3.3" -- Caleb Epstein caleb dot epstein at gmail dot com
participants (2)
Caleb Epstein
Dave Snowdon