[serialization] property_tree::ptree bpta back-end, json, forward (upward) compatibility

Hi Current binary, text and xml archive back-ends allow to implement backward compatibility. This means that it is possible to read old serialization files with the new version of the serialization code, with the help of the version of the class which is stored in archive itself. Unfortunately forward compatibility is not possible to implement with the existing archive backends. Suppose we have class A with one field. struct A { template<class Archive> inline void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version ) { ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(field); } int field; }; Later we want to add a new field2. To be able to load the previously created file we need can use versioning. struct A { template<class Archive> inline void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version ) { ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(field); if(version > 0) { ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(field2); } } int field; int field2; }; BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(A, 1) But if we want the opposite, to load the old class from the file which was created from the new class (for example, if we use serialization to communicate between new and old version of application on the network), existing backends will fail. Why? The reason is that they expect certain field in certain order and do not allow unexpected unknown fields. Although with text and binary backend it is difficult to do, because field names are not stored, but xml backend has names for every field, so it can simply skip unknown fields. Unfortunately this is not implemented. I created [1] simple experimental archive which allows forward(upward) compatibility. It stores data in boost::property_tree::ptree (instead of std::stream), which, in turn, can be saved to json, if necessary. If the file which is loaded, has additional unknown fields (from future version), they will be ignored. [1] https://github.com/sena73/ptree_archive Intermediate storage of data in ptree has its advantages and disadvantages. Of course, this slows down things and requires more memory. On other hand, it allows to get upward compatibility automatically easily and even to process data before (or without) loading it into the target class. Also we get json and info storage for free. With little modification xml backend from property_tree can be used. Sure, it must be possible to create a version of boost::archive::xml which will be also capable to keep upward compatibility without necessity to load things into the property_tree first. Binary and text archives must be extended with field names to allow field skipping. -- Best regards, Sergey Spiridonov

On Fri, 24 Nov 2017 19:07:25 +0100
Sergey Spiridonov via Boost-users
Sure, it must be possible to create a version of boost::archive::xml which will be also capable to keep upward compatibility without necessity to load things into the property_tree first. Binary and text archives must be extended with field names to allow field skipping.
There is already a patch[1] that allows to skip unkown fields in xml archive. It is still not accepted. https://svn.boost.org/trac10/ticket/8088 Ticket was opened 5 year ago and there is no answer since that time. Is serialization library still maintained? -- Best regards, Sergey Spiridonov
participants (1)
Sergey Spiridonov