[date_time] Linking problem
Hi, I've attached a simple program with two .cpp files I failed to build on Debian 2.6 with boost 1.34.1/1.35.0 and g++ (GCC) 3.4.6 (Debian 3.4.6-5) with the following command line: dmitry@phoenix:$ echo $BOOST_INCLUDE /usr/usuaris/doctorat/dmitry/include/boost_1_35_0 dmitry@phoenix:$ g++ -I$BOOST_INCLUDE s1.cpp s2.cpp -O1 `.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN5boost9gregorian4dateC1ENS_9date_time14special_valuesE' referido en la secciСn `.rodata' de /tmp/ccgodEgX.o: se definiС en la secciСn descartada `.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN5boost9gregorian4dateC1ENS_9date_time14special_valuesE' de /tmp/ccgodEgX.o `.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN5boost9date_time19counted_time_systemINS0_16counted_time_repINS_10posix_time33millisec_posix_time_system_configEEEE14subtract_timesERKS5_S8_' referido en la secciСn `.rodata' de /tmp/ccgodEgX.o: se definiС en la secciСn descartada `.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN5boost9date_time19counted_time_systemINS0_16counted_time_repINS_10posix_time33millisec_posix_time_system_configEEEE14subtract_timesERKS5_S8_' de /tmp/ccgodEgX.o collect2: ld devolviС el estado de salida 1 dmitry@phoenix:$ Finally I've found that everything works fine with -O2 optimization, but just in case. What is wrong here? Regards, Dmitry
Dmitry Bufistov
Hi, I've attached a simple program with two .cpp files I failed to build on Debian 2.6 with boost 1.34.1/1.35.0 and g++ (GCC) 3.4.6 (Debian 3.4.6-5) with the following command line: ... Finally I've found that everything works fine with -O2 optimization, but just in case. What is wrong here?
Try linking with libboost_date_time. P.S. If you are trying to implement poor man's profiler then getrusage might be more useful than boost::data_time. HTH, Roman Perepelitsa.
participants (2)
Dmitry Bufistov
Roman Perepelitsa