is BOOST_STATIC_WARNING part of boost public interface?
I cannot find any documentation about BOOST_STATIC_WARNING, is it intended to be used by users or only internal to the library? F. Bron Avis : Ce message et toute pièce jointe sont la propriété d'Alcan et sont destinés seulement aux personnes ou à l'entité à qui le message est adressé. Si vous avez reçu ce message par erreur, veuillez le détruire et en aviser l'expéditeur par courriel. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire du message, vous n'êtes pas autorisé à utiliser, à copier ou à divulguer le contenu du message ou ses pièces jointes en tout ou en partie. Notice: This message and any attachments are the property of Alcan and are intended solely for the named recipients or entity to whom this message is addressed. If you have received this message in error please inform the sender via e-mail and destroy the message. If you are not the intended recipient you are not allowed to use, copy or disclose the contents or attachments in whole or in part.
Any help on this topic? I would like to know if I can use BOOST_STATIC_WARNING in my own programs or if it may change/disappear in future versions of boost. As it is not documented, it is not clear to me. Could be part of boost.static assert documentation? F. Bron a écrit sur 26/07/2008 07:51:06 :
I cannot find any documentation about BOOST_STATIC_WARNING, is it intended to be used by users or only internal to the library?
F. Bron
Avis : Ce message et toute pièce jointe sont la propriété d'Alcan et sont destinés seulement aux personnes ou à l'entité à qui le message est adressé. Si vous avez reçu ce message par erreur, veuillez le détruire et en aviser l'expéditeur par courriel. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire du message, vous n'êtes pas autorisé à utiliser, à copier ou à divulguer le contenu du message ou ses pièces jointes en tout ou en partie. Notice: This message and any attachments are the property of Alcan and are intended solely for the named recipients or entity to whom this message is addressed. If you have received this message in error please inform the sender via e-mail and destroy the message. If you are not the intended recipient you are not allowed to use, copy or disclose the contents or attachments in whole or in part. wrote:
Any help on this topic? I would like to know if I can use BOOST_STATIC_WARNING in my own programs or if it may change/disappear in future versions of boost. As it is not documented, it is not clear to me. Could be part of boost.static assert documentation?
I have no idea about the actual state of affairs, but seems to indicate that it was intended to be part of the public interface of the serialization library. HTH, Markus
The serialization library contains some "utility" components which are necessary to make the library function and no boost components existed at the time - and still don't exist - to perform these functions. These components are: extended_type_info - extention to type_info to permit portable export/import of class id and dyamic loading/unloading of components based on this class id. Also implements this functionality on systems which do not support RTTI void_cast - runtime casting between types identified by extended_type_info above. utf8_codecvt_facet - Ron Garcias original component and documentation. BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF - assignes identifiable type to primitives. state_saver - save and automatically restore from copy of a state variable on the stack. Dataflow Iterators - adds templated constructor to boost iterators which permits transparent and powerful compile time iterator composition. Used to implemement a myriad of transforms for character strings. smart_cast automatically selects static cast if possible. If not possible, selects a dynamic cast. BOOST_STATIC_WARNING just like BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT - but just emits a warning. I've been unable to make this work for the most recent Intel compilers. Its possible this might change in the future. singleton - a lock free singleton used to make serialization thread-safe without requiring linkage to the threading library. They are documented as "other classes" in the documentation of the boost serialization library. The serialization library also includes tests of all these components. Some of them have names/namespaces in boost. Last year I was prevailed upon by a small group of developers to change the names/namespaces of those components so that they are not in the boost namespace. I've agreed to do that and expect that this change will occur in boost version 1.37. So, BOOST_STATIC_WARNING will become BOOST_SERIALIZATION_STATIC_WARNING, boost::state_saver will become boost::serialization::state_saver, etc. Robert Ramey
participants (3)
Markus Schöpflin
Robert Ramey