Hi, the following sample code introduces my problem:
int main() {
using namespace boost::gil;
typedef boost::mpl::vector images_t;
typedef any_image any_image_t;
typedef any_image_view > any_view_t;
typedef any_image_view > any_const_view_t;
any_image_t img;
jpeg_read_image("test2.jpg", img);
any_const_view_t cview( img );
rgb8c_view_t rgb_view = cview;
In the last line I want to convert the any_const_view to a concrete
type what runs fail in lack of a member named 'pixels'.
Does anyone know about that kind of conversion as the documentation
imho doesn't contain such a sample.
Right now I have to copy the pixels in the following form but I can't
believe that this is necessary:
rgb8_image_t rgb_image(img.dimensions());
rgb8c_view_t rgb8c_view( const_view(rgb_image) );
Thanks a lot, Jan.