boost 1.33.1 + qt 3.3.7 free on linux

Hello, I'm developing standard c++ application with boost libs: any, thread, file_system, lambda, regex and everything is fine. Then I'm adding Qt for GUI and on MS Windows still fine but on Linux I got very strange problem: compilation and linking without problems (even no warnings) but just after start program hangs (even not showing GUI window) but not crushes (no core dumped). Without boost dependent parts Qt program works fine and boost parts without Qt work fine as well. What do you thing could make such a problem? What kind of checks can I do? If it is important I compiled Qt and boost by myself. I have to say I'm not so experienced with developing application on Linux, everything I'm preparing on Windows and from time to time I'm checking whether it works on Linux. Regards, Bartek

Did you try gdb?
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of misiu Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 11:08 AM To: Subject: [Boost-users] boost 1.33.1 + qt 3.3.7 free on linux
fine and boost parts without Qt work fine as well. What do you thing could make such a problem? What kind of checks can I do? If it is important I compiled Qt and boost by myself.
I have to say I'm not so experienced with developing application on Linux, everything I'm preparing on Windows and from time to time I'm checking whether it works on Linux.
Regards, Bartek
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list

I've been happily using Boost 1.33 with Qt 3.3.3 with gcc 3.4.4 on Fedora. Regards, Randy -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of misiu Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 4:47 AM To: Subject: Re: [Boost-users] boost 1.33.1 + qt 3.3.7 free on linux
Did you try gdb? No, because I've never used it so for. I'm thinking whether there is already known problem with combining Qt and boost. As I wrote I'm developing everything on Windows and then porting to Linux.
Regards, Bartek _______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list
participants (3)
Ormond, Randy (Mission Systems)
Sohail Somani