I read the csr-example.cpp that explain how to use
compressed_sparse_row_graph and output it in graphviz format (.dot),
and I'd like building a csr graph from a file in DOT format.
So I tried using read_graphviz but actually it doesn't work with CSR
graph (see below for my code).
Does someone successfully build a CSR graph from a DOT file ?
//===== csr.cc =====
# include <iostream>
# include <string>
# include <fstream>
# include
# include
# include
struct Node {
std::string name;
int main ()
typedef boost::compressed_sparse_row_graph graph_t;
// Try to read the CSR graph g from foo.dot
graph_t g;
std::ifstream in("foo.dot", std::ios::in);
boost::dynamic_properties dp;
dp.property ("node_id", boost::get (&Node::name, g));
bool status = read_graphviz(in, g, dp, "node_id"); // doesn't work,
see below for the error message
BGL_FORALL_VERTICES (v, g, graph_t)
std::cout << g[v].name << std::endl;
BGL_FORALL_EDGES (e, g, graph_t)
std::cout << g[source (e, g)].name << " -> "
<< g[target (e, g)].name << std::endl;
The error message with g++ 4.1.3:
/usr/include/boost/graph/graphviz.hpp:721: error: conversion from
'boost::csr_edge_descriptor' to non-scalar
type 'std::pair, bool>' requested
<8==== foo.dot =====
digraph {
0 -> 3;
0 -> 4;
1 -> 3;
1 -> 4;
2 -> 3;
2 -> 4;
3 -> 4;
Johan Oudinet