Solving a synch problem with the Boost::Thread library.

Hello all,
I have a set of modules (ie classes, say the Module class and some
Module derived classes) which calculate (or generate) data, and two
different module instances could be connected together: one would use as
input data the output of the other one. I have also a class which
manages (say the ModulesManager class) the interconnections of those
modules and it triggers the calculation of all the modules. The
calculation is triggered in an worker boost::thread at a given rate
(i.e. when the ModulesManager::trig () method is called).
The modules have an internal state (upon which its calculation is based
on), which could be changed by another thread calling some method of the
Module class, say Module::setOffset(int offset).
The problem is that I would like that any change to the internal state
of any module happen not when the network of modules is being triggered
by the ModulesManager, but it could be possible only between a call to
trig() and its subsequent call. I would like to have a suggestion on how
to modelize that in an elegant way. I thought about using something like
the following:
struct ModulesManager
ModulesManager::trig ()
recursive_mutex::scoped_lock (*mutex);
for (each Module mod)
mod->calculate (....);
participants (1)