Need help in serialization
Hi All,
Currently I am using the boost serialization library to serialize and the
following structure:
typedef list<int> testList;
typedef testList::iterator lIter;
typedef map
use a stringstream instead of a file stream.
#include <sstream> // or maybe #include <stringstream> - I forget.
Robert Ramey
"Anil Krishna"
Thanks a lot Robert.
Really appreciate your help.
On 8/4/06, Robert Ramey
use a stringstream instead of a file stream.
#include <sstream> // or maybe #include <stringstream> - I forget.
Robert Ramey
"Anil Krishna"
wrote in message Hi All, Currently I am using the boost serialization library to serialize and the following structure:
typedef list<int> testList; typedef testList::iterator lIter; typedef map
testMap; typedef testMap::iterator tIter; testMap _tMap; template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) { ar & _tMap; } int main() {
test_map tm; ofstream ofs("map_details.txt");
tm.fillMap(); //tm.display();
boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(ofs); oa << (const test_map)tm; ofs.close();
test_map newTm; ifstream ifs("map_details.txt", std::ios::binary); boost::archive::binary_iarchive ia(ifs); ia >> newTm; ifs.close();
newTm.display(); }
In the above code, I am saving the map to a binary file and retrieving it from the file. Instead of that I would want to serialize the data into a char buffer and restore it from the buffer.
This is useful for message communication, where I would like to send the map as a message from one process to another using socket communications.
Can you any one let me know, how this can be done in boost?
Regards, Anil
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participants (2)
Anil Krishna
Robert Ramey