[date_time] timezone rules for different years

For my application, I need to be able to get the local time of any UTC time in the last five years in any location. As far as I can see, the date_time library doesn't provide this. The documentation says that date_time_zonespec.csv is "based on data found in the zoneinfo datebase", but whereas the zoneinfo database contains historical information about daylight saving time changes, date_time_zonespec.csv only seems to allow you to specify a single rule for each timezone. And I can't find another mechanism to do it. Am I missing something, or is this capability not present? And if not, is there any plan to add it? Or a workaround? I anticipate that this will become more of a problem when the rules for the U.S. change by several weeks next year. Thanks in advance for any tips, and Happy Christmas, -- Stephen Turner, Cambridge, UK http://homepage.ntlworld.com/adelie/stephen/ "The internet is a reflection of our society. If we do not like what we see, the problem is not to fix the mirror, we have to fix society." (Vint Cerf)
participants (1)
Stephen Turner