I've found several examples of code on the internet where people are
trying to convert from a native python container type to a
std::container. Using those as a template, I'm trying to convert from a
python tuple of objects wrapped by boost::python to a std::vector of
Example c++:
Example python showing the code running:
Example output:
[all pasted at the end of the mail]
[Please note these only work if you've hacked your boost/shared_ptr.hpp
to make everything public]
Unfortunately, I'm running into a problem with extract
creating a -new- shared pointer pointing to the raw pointer -within- the
existing shared pointer -- so no reference-comanaging occurs. I've
hacked my shared_ptr.hpp to let me examine the refcounted struct inside
the shared pointer.
What I see when I run things is as follows:
[jonas@hamiltonian core]$ python broken_test.py
Foo 0 is at 88276256 with reference counter 8276288
Foo 1 is at 88276352 with reference counter 8276384
Foo 2 is at 88276320 with reference counter 8276416
Extraction of object pointing to 88276256 but with reference counter
Extraction of object pointing to 88276352 but with reference counter
Extraction of object pointing to 88276320 but with reference counter
Note what this is saying: While internal to my FooHolder, the
shared pointers point to location X and reference-counting struct Y,
within the converter they're being turned into new shared pointers,
still managing the raw pointer X but with a different
reference-counting-struct Z.
This is most perplexing, and I worry it might be the result of
interaction with the fact that in my example code, I'm explicitly using
the shared pointer to manage the reference count:
In any case, I'm quite stumped, and have a -ton- of places in my main
codebase where stl containers are passed around containing shared_ptrs.
I asked around on IRC but everyone seemed stumped too. Any help would be
greatly appreciated.
...Eric Jonas
#include <vector>
using namespace boost::python;
using namespace std;
template <class T1>
struct vector_from_tuple_of_shared
converter::registry::push_back(&convertible, &construct,
static void* convertible(PyObject* obj_ptr)
handle<> x(borrowed(obj_ptr));
boost::python::tuple o(x);
for (int i = 0; i < boost::python::len(o); i++) {
extract<T1> obj(o[i]);
if (!obj.check() ) {
return 0;
return obj_ptr;
static void construct(PyObject* obj_ptr,
converter::rvalue_from_python_stage1_data* data)
handle<> x(borrowed(obj_ptr));
std::vector<T1> value;
boost::python::tuple o(x);
for (int i = 0; i < boost::python::len(o); i++) {
extract<T1> obj(o[i]);
T1 s1 = obj;
std::cout << "Extraction of object pointing to " <<
<< (int64_t) s1.get() << " but with reference
counter "
<< s1.pn.pi_ << std::endl;
void* storage =
( (converter::rvalue_from_python_storage*)
new (storage) std::vector<T1>(value);
data->convertible = storage;
class Foo
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Foo> pFoo_t;
class FooHolder
std::vector foos_;
pFoo_t createFoo() {
pFoo_t f(new Foo());
return f;
void printFooStatus() {
for(int i = 0; i < foos_.size(); i++) {
std::cout << "Foo " << i << " is at " << ios::hex
<< (int64_t)foos_[i].get() << " with reference
counter "
<< (int64_t)foos_[i].pn.pi_ << std::endl;
void doStuff(std::vector stuff)
.def("createFoo", &FooHolder::createFoo)
.def("printFooStatus", &FooHolder::printFooStatus)
def("doStuff", &doStuff);
import broken
fh = broken.FooHolder()
f1 = fh.createFoo()
f2 = fh.createFoo()
f3 = fh.createFoo()
broken.doStuff((f1, f2, f3))
[again, requires modified shared_ptr.hpp]
jonas@hamiltonian core]$ make broken.so
g++ -O2 -g -pg -I/usr/local/include -fPIC
-I../threadpool/threadpool/include -pthread -fPIC
-I/usr/include/`/usr/bin/python -c "import sys; (a, b, c, t, n)
= sys.version_info; print 'python%d.%d' % (a, b),"` -c
g++ broken.o -L/usr/local/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm
-lboost_unit_test_framework -lboost_program_options -g -pg
-lboost_thread -lboost_signals -o broken.so -shared
-I/usr/include/`/usr/bin/python -c "import sys; (a, b, c, t, n)
= sys.version_info; print 'python%d.%d' % (a, b),"` \
-L/usr/lib -lpython2.4 -lboost_python
[jonas@hamiltonian core]$ python broken_test.py
Foo 0 is at 88276256 with reference counter 8276288
Foo 1 is at 88276352 with reference counter 8276384
Foo 2 is at 88276320 with reference counter 8276416
Extraction of object pointing to 88276256 but with reference
counter 0x7f54c0
Extraction of object pointing to 88276352 but with reference
counter 0x7f3f80
Extraction of object pointing to 88276320 but with reference
counter 0x7e4a00