Debian-Boost linking errors in Cleversafe project
(This msg is getting cross-posted to the Boost and Debian users' lists. I hope that's ok.) Summary: Our builds are experiencing link-time problems with Boost libraries only on Debian systems. Details below. Does anyone have any suggestions on the root causes and fixes for this? If not, possibly other things we can do to better determine what's causing these symptoms? Details: We experience link-time errors on some Debian systems when linking against boost libraries that are built from the same automated source procedure (as per as the binary that links against them. Since our software and the Boost software/libs are all "built from source" using the same compiler/tools, we hope that we are removing any compatibility problems like C++ ABI incompatibilities between g++ revs (, etc. Details here: Would anyone have any suggestions/pointers for help? For details on how to build our stuff from source, see: Note that we don't experience these errors when building on other systems, including the CentOS system detailed here: -Matt Dispersed Storage:
Matt England wrote:
(This msg is getting cross-posted to the Boost and Debian users' lists. I hope that's ok.)
Our builds are experiencing link-time problems with Boost libraries only on Debian systems. Details below.
Does anyone have any suggestions on the root causes and fixes for this? If not, possibly other things we can do to better determine what's causing these symptoms?
It looks to me that most of the functions you are having issues with are actually inline -- that is, not compiled into the library -- for example: gnu.linkonce.t._ZN5boost9date_time23gregorian_calendar_baseINS0_19year_month_day_baseINS_9gregorian9greg_yearENS3_10greg_monthENS3_8greg_dayEEEmE16end_of_month_dayES4_S5_' referenced in section `.rodata' of ../dsgrid.output/debian3/client/build/dsgrid/test/MessageIntegrityUnitTest.o: defined in discarded section `.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN5boost9date_time23gregorian_calendar_baseINS0_19year_month_day_baseINS_9gregorian9greg_yearENS3_10greg_monthENS3_8greg_dayEEEmE16end_of_month_dayES4_S5_' of ../dsgrid.output/debian3/client/build/dsgrid/test/MessageIntegrityUnitTest.o `.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN5boost9date_time11int_adapterIxE12from_specialENS0_14special_valuesE' They also seem to be exclusively date-time functions :-( I'm afraid I haven't seen this particular I'm not sure what to advise. Have you tried taking off the --fatal-warnings? Maybe this can be ignored? HTH, Jeff
participants (2)
Jeff Garland
Matt England