I understand that compiling is no longer necessary to read graphml files.My program compiles but does not link. It worked before I upgraded boost_1_71_0.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
typedef adjacency_list < vecS, vecS, bidirectionalS > graph_t;
graph_t g;
dynamic_properties dpg;
int main( )
read_graphml(cin, g, dpg, 0);
read_graphml_test: read_graphml_test.cpp
g++ -c -I/usr/local/boost_1_71_0 read_graphml_test.cpp
g++ -I/usr/local/boost_1_71_0 -L/usr/local/boost_1_71_0/stage/lib read_graphml_test.o
Error message:
undefined reference to `boost::read_graphml(std::istream&, boost::mutate_graph&, unsigned long)'