dupe symbols linker error with indexed_set
scbarg.obj : error LNK2005: "struct
unbounded_type::boost::detail::unbounded_type &
boost::indexed_sets::`anonymous namespace'::unbounded"
already defined in scbarcf.obj
scbarg.obj : error LNK2005: "struct
boost::indexed_sets::`anonymous namespace'::unbounded_obj"
already defined in scbarcf.obj
Compiler is VC7.1
The two modules in the error messages don't use indexed_set at all but
indexed_set.hpp is included globally. It seems as if indexed_set.hpp has a
definition hiding in it somewhere. Here are the two declarations that
appear in my project (they are in different namespaces so m_events_t does
not collide):
typedef is::indexed_set<
participants (1)
Jedediah Smith