Hi boost-users,
I'm consuming boost 1.69 successfully from vcpkg, on a number of
platforms, including MSVC and clang-cl on Windows. However, for some
reason, whilst my MSVC is more or less clean of warnings, the clang-cl
build is littered with LNK4217's. These appear to be related to
boost.log, and more specifically get_tss_data and set_tss_data:
warning LNK4217: locally defined symbol
?get_tss_data@detail@boost@@YAPEAXPEBX@Z (void * __cdecl
boost::detail::get_tss_data(void const *)) imported in function
"public: struct
* __cdecl boost::thread_specific_ptr::get(void)const
" (?get@?$thread_specific_ptr@Uformatting_context@?$basic_formatting_sink_frontend@D@sinks@v2s_mt_nt6@log@boost@@@boost@@QEBAPEAUformatting_context@?$basic_formatting_sink_frontend@D@sinks@v2s_mt_nt6@log@2@XZ)
warning LNK4217: locally defined symbol
(void __cdecl boost::detail::set_tss_data(void const *,class
boost::shared_ptr<struct boost::detail::tss_cleanup_function>,void
*,bool)) imported in function "public: __cdecl
Googling revealed that this problem indicates some issue on exports
(e.g. __declsepc...), but I haven't managed to figure out exactly what
is causing it. Have you seen anything of this ilk? Any pointers would
be greatly appreciated.
Marco Craveiro
MD, Domain Driven Consulting
about: http://about.me/marcocraveiro
blog: http://mcraveiro.blogspot.co.uk
twitter: https://twitter.com/MarcoCraveiro
That the Ideas are themselves manifestations (of the Idea-Idea) and
that the Idea-Idea is a-kind-of Manifestation-Idea—which is a-kind-of
itself, so that the system is completely self-describing— would have
been appreciated by Plato as an extremely practical joke [Plato]. --
Alan Key