I ran into an odd error with 1.51.0 when compiling the following code
using gcc 4.4.6 on rhel6/64 with -fkeep-inline-functions (using this
flag for debug builds):
int main(void) {
boost::filesystem::path a_path;
return 0;
The linker complains about an undefined reference to boost::hash_range<>
referenced from boost/filesystem/path.hpp.
Looking at path.hpp I can see it includes hash_fwd.hpp not hash.hpp.
This is despite the fact that it's actually using various hash methods
inside the header file (including hash_range). When I change it to use
hash.hpp instead, the linker error goes away.
Should path.hpp really use hash.hpp instead, or is this some weird
compiler issue, or something else entirely? I figured someone here
would know =)