error while compiling application that uses a static lib that uses boost
Greetings all,
I have a library called test which has a class that uses boost thread and
mutex. here is how the includes in my .h file look:
AMDG ChristinaDRS wrote:
now I try to build a second application that simply uses the libtest.a like this:
$ g++ -I ~/boost_1_38_0/ -I. main.cpp -omain -L/usr/local/lib/ -L. -ltest -lboost_thread-gcc41-mt-1_38
<snip> /usr/include/boost/thread/detail/lock.hpp:33: undefined reference to
Any idea why I am getting these undefined references?
Somehow, you're getting headers from the wrong version of Boost. In Christ, Steven Watanabe
participants (2)
Steven Watanabe