[units] combined systems and prefixes and output
After some effort I managed to add a new system to boost units
(namely "atomic"). The system works so far until I start using si
prefixes in combination and printing
int main(){
clog << 4.*atomic::hbar << endl; // output: 4 hbar
clog << 4.*(si::femto*si::second) << endl; // output: 4 fs
clog << 4.*(atomic::hbar/si::second) << endl; // output: 4 s^-1 hbar
auto a = atomic::hbar/(si::femto*si::second); // ok
clog << a << endl; // output: P(s^-1 hbar)
auto b = 4.*atomic::hbar/(si::femto*si::second); // ok
clog << b << endl; // error!!!! why?
return 0;
As you see all lines work as expected except for the last line. Is
there a workaround? do I need to define prefixes specific for the
other system of units?
The error message boils down to:
usr/include/boost/units/detail/linear_algebra.hpp:197:48: error: no
type named ‘item’ in ‘struct
participants (1)