Boost MultiIndexContainer, how to do delayed indexing for fast insertion?

I used below MultiIndexContainer
typedef multi_index_container

I used below MultiIndexContainer
typedef multi_index_container

I used below MultiIndexContainer
typedef multi_index_container
>, ordered_unique > PositionSummaryContainer;
And I inserted 10000 insts*36 accounts*100 days=36 million records [...] for (int i = 0; i < numOfDays_; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < accountSize_; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < instSize_; k++) { PositionSummary* ps = psArray_[(i * accountSize_ + j) * instSize_ + k]; uniqueIndex.insert(ps); } } } [...] And I found the speed of insertion is a little bit slow, about 20K+ records per second... Is there anyway to enhance this insertion speed? My data was in Oracle, properly indexed, so there should be no danger of corrupted data structure.
Well, several ideas you can test: * If the data is being populated in an order consistent with either index, hinted insertion might get you some speedup: uniqueIndex.insert(uniqueIndex.end(),ps); You might need to play with the i,j,k loop order to hit this right. * If your queries on the composite keys are never partial (i.e. you always specify their three parameters), switching to hashed_unique won't break your code and will likely result in faster execution both at insertion and lookup times. * Can you store PositionSummary's rather than PositionSummary *'s? This eliminates one pointer indirection, modestly improves locality etc. * Can you use lighter types than std::strings for accountid and instid (like, ints)? HTH Joaquín M López Muñoz Telefónica
participants (2)
Joaquin M Lopez Munoz