lexical_cast memory consuption with VC8
(); + 143 bytes; module MSVCP80D.dll; 0x10497F1F caller(9): std::basic_iostream (); + 115 bytes; module MSVCP80D.dll; 0x104C9693 caller(10): std::basic_stringstream ::lexical_stream
(); file e:\projects\libraries\boost_1_33_1\boost\lexical_cast.hpp;
I'm experiencing a memory leak while using lexical_cast with VC8.
The leak was detected by an end-user in a long-running application and evidenced
with GlowCode (a leak detection tool).
The origin seems to be an allocation inside ios_base (<xiosbase>).
Source code for the test:
#include <string>
participants (2)
Josue Gomes
Sebastian Redl