GCC and precompiling headers containing anonymous namspaces (i.e. bind/placeholders.hpp)

Like a number of other compilers, GCC (version 3.4.3) appears to have problems related to precompiled headers that contain anonymous namespaces - such as the one in bind/placeholders.hpp. There appears to be some consensus that GCC currently does have issues in this area (see http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=10591). I noticed the workarounds in bind/placeholders.hpp (Boost version 1.32.0) for other compilers, and tried them with the above version of GCC. I discovered that only the work-around using static inline wrapper functions (i.e. the one for Borland compilers) seems to work. Can anyone confirm this? Should I file a bug to have that workaround apply for GCC, as well? Are anonymous/unnamed namespaces used in any other BOOST headers (which should presumably also have the workaround)? Matt Gruenke Software Engineer IntelliVid Corporation
participants (1)
Matthew Gruenke