Borland c++ 5.8.2 and Boost 1.3.6 - Thread problem???

Has anyone successfully compiled the Boost libraries with the Borland / Codegear Turbo C++ Pro, compiler version 5.8.2?
I was able to build the libraries but I got a lot of errors and a simple Hello World program using boost::thread will not work.
Any help on switches or tweaks I can do to get Boost to work would be appreciated.
Here is the program I am compiling and the error I get when running it. I am linking to the debug version of the multi-threaded DLL (boost_thread-bcb-mt-d-1_36.dll)
The sample program compiles fine but when I run it I get an assertion error and the program terminates.
Any feedback is welcome.
Thank you,
Assertion failed: p_ != 0, file .\boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp, line 149
Abnormal program termination
participants (1)
Stephen Kierzewski