From: "Andriy Tylychko
Baranowski, Daniel
std::for_each(myVector.begin(), myVector.end(),
boost::lambda::if_then(boost::lambda::_1 == 3, [...]));
Best regards,
Andriy Tylychko
Thanks Andriy! That definitely got me on the correct track! It still
took me awhile, but I got it! It looks so simple now. Anyhow, since I'm
sure I'm not the only person that will ever have this problem when
learning to use bind and lambda, here is a sample program that I wrote
in vc8 to figure out the solution:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
using boost::lambda::_1;
using boost::lambda::if_then;
struct MyObjectClass
MyObjectClass(int Data)
: MyData(Data)
int GetData() const
return MyData;
int MyData;
class TestClass
typedef vector<MyObjectClass> t_ObjVector;
t_ObjVector myVector;
void PrintObj(const MyObjectClass & MyObj)
cout << MyObj.GetData() << endl;
void PrintInt(int MyInt)
cout << MyInt << endl;
myVector.push_back( MyObjectClass(1) );
myVector.push_back( MyObjectClass(2) );
myVector.push_back( MyObjectClass(2) );
myVector.push_back( MyObjectClass(3) );
myVector.push_back( MyObjectClass(3) );
myVector.push_back( MyObjectClass(4) );
void RunTest()
// regular for loop
t_ObjVector::iterator end = myVector.end();
t_ObjVector::iterator itr = myVector.begin();
for(itr; itr != end; ++itr)
if((*itr).GetData() == 3)
// for_each using lambda concepts
for_each(myVector.begin(), myVector.end(),
if_then(bind(&MyObjectClass::GetData, _1) == 3,
bind(&TestClass::PrintObj, this, _1)
int main (int argc, char **argv)
TestClass Test;
// Run the test
return 0;
Thanks again for the help!
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