The attached code works fine with version 1.33.1 but generates memory
leaks with 1.34.0.
Not sure it's a bug in Serialization or Iostreams.
Compiler: Visual Studio 2005 SP1
Ying - Clipboard Recorder
#include <cstdlib>
#include // sink, source
#include <vector>
#if _MSC_VER
# ifdef _DEBUG
# include
# ifndef new
# define new new(_NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
# endif
# ifndef malloc
# define malloc(size) _malloc_dbg(size, _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
# endif
# endif
namespace cmn{ namespace iostreams{
template<typename Container>
class container_sink {
typedef typename Container::value_type char_type;
typedef boost::iostreams::sink_tag category;
container_sink(Container& container) : container_(container) { }
std::streamsize write(const char_type* s, std::streamsize n)
container_.insert(container_.end(), s, s + n);
return n;
Container& container() { return container_; }
Container& container_;
}; // class container_sink
}} // namespace cmn::iostreams
namespace cmn{ namespace iostreams{
template<typename Container>
class container_source {
typedef typename Container::value_type char_type;
typedef boost::iostreams::source_tag category;
container_source(Container& container)
: container_(container), pos_(0)
{ }
std::streamsize read(char_type* s, std::streamsize n)
using namespace std;
streamsize amt = static_cast<streamsize>(container_.size() - pos_);
streamsize result = (min)(n, amt);
if (result != 0) {
std::copy( container_.begin() + pos_,
container_.begin() + pos_ + result,
s );
pos_ += result;
return result;
} else {
return -1; // EOF
Container& container() { return container_; }
typedef typename Container::size_type size_type;
Container& container_;
size_type pos_;
}; // class container_source
}} // namespace cmn::iostreams
namespace cmn{
template bool compress_object(Container& v, const T& o)
typedef cmn::iostreams::container_sink<Container> sink;
boost::iostreams::stream<sink> outs(v);
boost::iostreams::filtering_streamboost::iostreams::output fs;
boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(fs);
oa << o;
return true;
template bool decompress_object(const Container& v, T& o)
return false;
typedef cmn::iostreams::container_source<const Container> source;
boost::iostreams::stream<source> ins(v);
boost::iostreams::filtering_streamboost::iostreams::input fs;
boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(fs);
ia >> o;
return true;
} // namespace cmn
int main()
std::string data;
std::vector<char> buf;
cmn::compress_object(buf, data);
cmn::decompress_object(buf, data);
return 0;