I'm trying to use boost::regex with a "Windows Forms Application" in
Visual Studio 2005. Everything works fine with normal C++, and even
using a "CLR Console Application." But when I use the "Windows Form
Application" template the program crashes while initializing variables.
Basically I take code like:
using boost::regex;
using boost::regex_search;
bool h() {
return regex_search("asdfasdf",regex("sd"));
put it in a separate file, turn off precompiled headers for that file,
and never actually call h(). The program crashes instantly with a debug
assertion failed at dbgheap.c/Line 1414/_CrtIsValidHeapPointer. The call
stack looks like:
msvcr80d.dll!__dllonexit(int (void)* func=0x00446110, void (void)*
* * pbegin=0x0012eab8, void (void)* * * pend=0x0012eab0) Line 273 +
0x11 bytes C
temp.exe!_onexit(int (void)* func=0x00446110) Line 110 + 0x11 bytes C
temp.exe!atexit(void (void)* func=0x00446110) Line 127 + 0x9 bytes C
temp.exe!boost::re_detail::`dynamic initializer for 'block_cache''()
Line 189 + 0x2b bytes C++
It does this whether I compile the file with regex with the /clr flag or
not (although the /clr flag gives a lot of errors, one of which isn't
about converting fastcall to stdcall:
include\boost/shared_ptr.hpp(92) : warning C4793: 'vararg' : causes
native code generation for function 'void
boost::detail::shared_count &,...)'