In building the boost/python library on solaris using v6.2.p2 of the
sunpro compiler, two compile-time errors occur, one in 'cast.hpp' and
the other in 'inheritance.hpp'. Details are below.
----------------- 1 --------------------
boost/boost/python/cast.hpp: line 65:
Error: Default arguments cannot be added in later
declarations of the template function in
the same scope.
57 template
58 inline Target* downcast(Source* p, yes_convertible)
59 {
60 return static_cast(p);
61 }
63 template
64 inline Target* downcast(Source* p, no_convertible,
boost::type<Target>* = 0)
65 {
66 typedef typename base_type_traits<Source>::type base;
67 return (Target*)detail::downcast<base>(p,
68 }
----------------- 2 --------------------
boost/boost/python/object/inheritance.hpp: line 134:
Error: ")" expected instead of ">".
130 template
131 inline void register_conversion(
132 // We need this parameter because CWPro7 can't determine
133 // which is the base reliably.
134 bool is_downcast = !cast_generator::is_upcast
133 // These parameters shouldn't be used, they're an MSVC bug
134 , Source* = 0, Target* = 0)
135 {
136 typedef typename cast_generator::type
138 add_cast(python::type_id<Source>()
139 , python::type_id<Target>()
140 , &generator::execute
141 , is_downcast);
142 }
I forgot to mention that I am building the CVS version of the
library, fresh as of Sun night (2003-01-12).
--- In, "Bruce Lowery
" wrote:
sunpro compiler, two compile-time errors occur, one in 'cast.hpp'
the other in 'inheritance.hpp'. Details are below.
Bruce, as I replied to you on the boost developers' list, I think you
should report these to Sun.
I'm really surprised you only see two errors. The last time I tried
to get Boost libraries to work with a released Sun compiler (a couple
of months ago), I was only able to make Sun pass around 50% of all
boost regression tests. It's ability to handle standard C++
constructs was so bad that I don't think there's any hope of getting
it to work with Boost.Python.
I've heard reports that their pre-release compiler implements a lot of
bug fixes needed to work with Boost. Is that what you're using? If
so, I still don't have access to this compiler so it's unlikely I'll
be able to come up with a workaround for its bugs. If you come up
with something that makes it work, please submit a patch!
David Abrahams *
Boost support, enhancements, training, and commercial distribution