[version] boost version check, header (.hpp) vs binaries (libs)

Hi, I work in at least 3 computers (home/work/cluster, in which the cluster is really a shared filesystem between different architectures, etc). Besides that, for some projects I use the default version of boost in that system and in others a locally (user space) installed boost (that is, ranging from boost 1.33 to boost 1.46svn). Therefore is not uncommon that I mess the compilation lines and end up including headers from a certain version an linking to a different one. Hopefully this fails at link time: e.g. undefined reference to `boost::filesystem3::path::extension() const' but it is confusing and potentially it could compile (and then crash unexpectedly) I am aware of 'boost/version.hpp' but this is only for header verification. The question is, is there a Boost mechanism to verify that the header and the library in boost are consistent? (Hopefully at compile/link time) Thank you, Alfredo

I once propsoed such a mecanism: http://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2010/08/169633.php
participants (2)
joel falcou