When I try to build boost with this method: ./build.sh gcc || die "couldn't build bjam" cd $srcdir ./tools/build/jam_src/bin.linux${ARCH}/bjam -j2 \ -sBOOST_ROOT=${S} \ -sPYTHON_ROOT=/usr \ -sPYTHON_VERSION=2.2 \ -sTOOLS=gcc This happens: ...failed updating 6 targets... ...updated 539 targets... On the other hand, if I restart the build it seems to..magically work: ### ### Using 'gcc' toolset. ### rm -rf bootstrap.gcc mkdir bootstrap.gcc gcc -o bootstrap.gcc/jam0 command.c compile.c execnt.c execunix.c execvms.c expand.c filent.c fileos2.c fileunix.c filevms.c glob.c hash.c hdrmacro.c headers.c jam.c jambase.c jamgram.c lists.c make.c make1.c newstr.c option.c parse.c pathunix.c pathvms.c regexp.c rules.c scan.c search.c subst.c timestamp.c variable.c modules.c strings.c filesys.c builtins.c pwd.c ./bootstrap.gcc/jam0 -f build.jam --toolset=gcc --toolset-root= ...found 44 targets... ...found 3407 targets... ...updating 6 targets... FileClone libs/python/build/bin-stage/libboost_python_debug.so.1.30.0 FileClone libs/python/build/bin-stage/libboost_python.so.1.30.0 FileClone libs/regex/build/bin-stage/libboost_regex_debug.so.1.30.0 FileClone libs/regex/build/bin-stage/libboost_regex.so.1.30.0 FileClone libs/thread/build/bin-stage/libboost_threadd.so.1.30.0 FileClone libs/thread/build/bin-stage/libboost_thread.so.1.30.0 ...updated 6 targets... That didn't happen with 1.29. Is there a cleaner way not documented to get it to build nicely? I had less luck trying to build with icc.
participants (1)
Garen Parham