Re: [Boost-users] [serialization] Please help me solve this compile error.
Bjorn Reese writes: On 07/30/2014 04:01 AM, Paul Blampspied wrote:
oarchive oa(file);
oa << PersistentManagedArray<int>(size, capacity, ints);
//This line does not compile !
The stream operator in Boost.Serialization does not take temporary objects, so create the PersistentManagedArray<T> object on a separate line, and then pass it to the stream.
The C++ Middleware Writer supports temporary objects. Here's an example: front_messages_middle::Marshal(sendbuf, cmw::marshalling_integer(::strtol(argv[1],0,10))); It doesn't support PersistentManagedArray, but I'm willing to consider adding support for that. More info here - -- Brian Ebenezer Enterprises
participants (1)
Brian Wood