linker problem with date_time library
Hi, I get an linker message if I compile my app with gcc-3.4.2 on Linux and link it against date_time library of boost 1.33.1: /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-suse-linux/3.3.1/../../../../i586-suse-linux/bin/l d: `.L1966' referenced in section `.rodata' of .libs/oci_date.o: defined in discarded section `.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN5boost9date_time23gregorian_calendar_baseINS0_19year _month_day_baseINS_9gregorian9greg_yearENS3_10greg_monthENS3_8greg_dayEE EmE16end_of_month_dayES4_S5_' of .libs/oci_date.o I only instantiate an ptime and call time_from_string and to_iso_extended_string. What is going wrong? Regards, Oliver
On Fri, 23 Dec 2005 08:13:48 +0100, Oliver.Kowalke wrote
Hi, I get an linker message if I compile my app with gcc-3.4.2 on Linux and link it against date_time library of boost 1.33.1:
d: `.L1966' referenced in section `.rodata' of .libs/oci_date.o: defined in discarded section `.gnu.linkonce.t._ZN5boost9date_time23gregorian_calendar_baseINS0_19year _month_day_baseINS_9gregorian9greg_yearENS3_10greg_monthENS3_8greg_dayEE EmE16end_of_month_dayES4_S5_' of .libs/oci_date.o
I only instantiate an ptime and call time_from_string and to_iso_extended_string.
What is going wrong?
Are you including the library in your linking? Normally looks something like: g++ -otest.exe test.o -L PATH_TO_BOOST/bin/boost/libs/date_time/build/libboost_date_time.a/gcc/debug -l boost_date_time-gcc-d-1_33 The other option is to avoid to_*_string and the *_from_string functions. These require the library. You can rewrite your code and go header only with operators << and >>. For example: ptime t; std::stringstream is("2005-Dec-23 00:00:00.123"); is >> t; time_facet* of = new time_facet(); of->set_iso_extended_format(); std::cout.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), of)); std::cout << t << std::endl; //prints 2005-12-23 00:00:00.123000 Jeff
participants (2)
Jeff Garland