Re: [Boost-users] [multi_index] - duplicates_iterator.hpp issue?
Bogdan M. ha escrito:
I am trying to serialize a multi-indexed container defined as below ( I am using boost 1.33.1 ):
While serializing this container containing ===> several nodes with the same key <===, I get an access violation exception somewhere deep in the multi_index library. Tracing a little bit back the stack I noticed something unusual in boost_1_33_1\install\include\boost\multi_index\detail\ duplicates_iterator.hpp in the duplicates_iterator::sync() member function (around line 80):
void sync() { if(pred(begin_chunk->value,node->value))advance(); }
This function seems to advance the iterator within a chunk of equal keys. However, the if clause does not consider the case where node == end. These are exactly the circumstances under which my program crashes in 'pred(begin_chunk...)'. Changing the if condition into
void sync() { if( (node != end) && pred(begin_chunk->value,node->value)) advance(); }
seems to fix the problem. However, I am not familiar with the overall implementation and therefore I cannot tell whether this is indeed the cause or whether there are side-effects to my patch. Has anyone else experienced a situation similar to this one?
Hello Bogdan, You have certainly spotted a bug in duplicates_iterator.hpp, and the fix you propose is correct. As it happens, this was first reported some months ago: and the bug was fixed since then in the CVS, in what will become Boost 1.34. Until that release comes out, your local fix is perfect. Anyway, in case you can afford it, I recommend you switch now to the CVS version, as it contains a few other bugfixes.
Is there something wrong with my container definition, to begin with?
I don't see anything wrong with your container definition.
I really appreciate any feedback. Thanks, Bogdan
Thank you for using Boost.MultiIndex, Joaquín M López Muñoz Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo
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