problem with boost::thread libraries

I came across this problem in using the threads package.
I used the following files:
While trying out a simple example from the test folder:
#include const &)"
boost@@@_STL@@@1@@Z) referenced in function "public: unsigned int
__thiscall mok3::Abacus::Application::init(void)"
(?init@Application@Abacus@mok3@@QAEIXZ) The program works fine without any parameters to the constructor (
boost::thread thrd; ), but of course that's not useful. If it were a
syntax error it should be at compile-time, but there is no problem
during compilation.
Also, if there is a patch for statically linking threads package, it
would be appreciated if you could send it.
I am compiling the libraries with the following settings:
Boost_1_31_0> bjam -sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport -sSTLPORT_PATH=... install

Some hints: 1) You are using version 1.31. Why are you trying to compile the libaries yourself? There are prepacked ones available I think. 2) Is your main file a CPP file? (Ending: *.cpp) -- Linker error suggests to me it could be a C file. 3) Static linking isn't supported in 1.31. It is available in upcoming 1.32 version. Roland
participants (2)
Roland Schwarz
Vinodth Mohanam