I am attempting to create a DAG with boost graph where the vertices are sorted. This would allow fast lookup by key - as in the following pseudo code:
Node_t> // struct that has the vertex data
size_t find(const Graph& g, const T& t, std::vector& result)
std::pair p = vertices(g); //The vertices are sorted
vertex_iterator it = std::lower_bound(p.first, p.second, t);
vertex_iterator end = std::upper_bound(p.first, p.second, t);
std::vector tmp(it, end);
return result.size();
My attempts to sort the actual vertices has been futile. I have tried using a mulitset as well as my own custom sorted container. I would like to avoid calling a seperate sort operation everytime a vertex is added, as this is a mutable graph - I was thinking I could insert the vertex into the sorted storage.
Is there any way to make this work?
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