Hello all,
i am working with the Boost 1.45 Meta State Machine, using both
orthogonal regions and submachines. Overall, i am very happy with this
But i am looking for a nice way to check if a state machine (e.g.
instance mAvail of class AvailFSM) is in a given state, for example i
would like to write something like this:
assert(isInState(mAvail, AvailFSM::UpstreamAvailable()));
I didn't find something like "isInState" provided by the MSM library, so
i came up with the following implementation:
bool isInState(const FSM& p, const StateType& s)
int stateId = boost::msm::back::get_state_id::value;
for (int i=0; i < FSM::nr_regions::value; ++i)
if(p.current_state()[i] == stateId)
return true;
return false;
This works well for simple state machines and orthogonal regions, but
not for submachines. Does any one knows a way to extend the above code
to work with submachines?
Lets say the state "AvailFSM::UpstreamAvailable" from above is in fact a
submachine, having the state "Primary" amongst others. It would be nice
to have the following working:
assert(isInState(mAvail, AvailFSM::UpstreamAvailable::Primary()));
Currently i am using the following workaround:
assert(isInState(mAvail, AvailFSM::UpstreamAvailable()));
I consider this solution ugly not only because of its lengthiness, but
also because "get_state" isn't a const function. Unfortunately i'am not
deep enough into the template magic to tell if a const implementation of
"get_state" is possible. Can anyone help me out ?
So, to sum up, i have two questions:
1) How to implement something like "isInState" that even works on
submachines, if possible ?
2) Is a const version of "get_state" possible ? And how?
best regards,