Boost.Serialization how to use serialize without nvp

Hello all,
we basically have a setup like this:
#ifdef _DEBUG
template <typename T>
struct Wrapper
T m_value;
#define HANDLE(T) Wrapper<T>
#define HANDLE(T) T
We want archives the same for debug and release. So I tried a couple of things:
* use primitive_type: This doesn't work if the type T is a string. Basically
it doesn't come in the 'load(std::wstring &ws)' anymore, since it now routes
to operator<< and then all kinds of nasty thing happens for xml archives.
* overload serialize. This is also a failure, since it expects somehow a
nvp, which I tried to circumvent since then there is a difference between
archives in debug or release. Using 'is_wrapper' doesn't help either
participants (1)