Problems building 1.34 with Intel toolset on Win32

Hi, I am trying to build 1.34 with Intel compiler (have tried with 9.0 as well as 10.1 - same results). bjam appears to skip building the library linked to debug runtime (libboost*-*gd*.lib), and autolink looks for these libraries when linking projects that use boost. I see the same problem with 9.0 as well. I added the icl.exe path to my user-config.jam, as suggested in an earlierpost on this list. I also got the 1.35 dev version from CVS, and it also has the same problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My bjam command-line is: bjam --v2 -a toolset=intel-10.1 variant=debug link=static --build-dir=C:\Exp\build-boost --without-graph --without-wave --without-serialization --without-python -sICU_PATH=C:\DevLibraries\icu stage On a related note, bjam seems to ignore compiler flags passed in the command line.i.e., I try to build the release as: .\bjam --v2 -a toolset=intel-10.1 variant=release link=static cxxflags=-QxO --build-dir=C:\Exp\build-boost --without-graph --without-wave --without-serialization --without-python -sICU_PATH=C:\DevLibraries\icu stage but /QxO compiler option is never enabled when compiling. Thanks Amit
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