[serialization] problems with using wide-char archives
Hello All:
The serialization library is one of the best libraries I have used. I
used to to serialize a number of files with various sizes, and it works like
a charm.
However, when I am using the wide-char archives, I get a linking error.
Here are the problem specifications:
When including :
#include "boost/archive/binary_woarchive.hpp"
#include "boost/archive/binary_wiarchive.hpp"
#include "boost/archive/text_woarchive.hpp"
#include "boost/archive/text_wiarchive.hpp"
And attempt to use them (i.e.)
(void)" (??1?$basic_binary_oprimitive@Vbinary_woarchive@archive@boost@@V?$basic_ostream@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@@std@@@archive@boost@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "public: __thiscall boost::archive::binary_woarchive_impl<class boost::archive::binary_woarchive>::~binary_woarchive_impl<class boost::archive::binary_woarchive>(void)" (??1?$ ]
If I use the regular archives (binary_oarchive) I don't get any errors, and it runs as a charm! The compiler I am using is VC++ version 7.1/ I would be grateful if some could point me to the reason for this error. Thanks for your help Hilal
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Hilal Shaath