asio: tcp::iostream::async_connect with specific io_service instance
I have a question about boost asio iostreams. I'm trying to create a server and client with tcp::iostreams that use async_connect and async_accept and use a specific tcp::io_service instance. My code currently looks somewhat like this. Server: ------------ io_service my_service; tcp::endpoint my_endpoint; ... ... tcp::acceptor my_acceptor(my_service, my_endpoint); tcp::iostream my_stream; my_acceptor.async_accept(my_stream.rdbuf(), boost::bind(connectedHandler, placeholders::error)); ------------ This works the way I want to. Another thread calls run on the io_service and thus makes sure the accept is handled. Client: ------------ io_service my_service; tcp::endpoint my_endpoint; ... ... tcp::iostream my_stream; my_stream.rdbuf()->async_connect(my_endpoint, boost::bind(connectedHandler, placeholders::error)); ------------ This doesn't work with my io_service. I don't see a way to tell the tcp::iostream or the underlying basic_socket_streambuf which io_service to use. This means I have to call run on a new io_service every time I connect to a socket somewhere, right? Is there a way to do an async_connect with your own service? regards, Walther
participants (1)
Walther Zwart