[1.34.0] Problem building with VS 7.1.
Hi all.
When attempting to build Boost 1.34.0 on Windows XP SP2 (full updates
applied) using MSVC 7.1 (both with and without SP1 applied) several of
the libraries fail to build.
They cause Visual Studio's compiler cl.exe to crash with a 'Microsoft
Visual C++ Runtime Library' error message box stating: 'A buffer overrun
has been detected which has corrupted the program's internal state. The
program cannot safely continue execution and must now be terminated.'.
The exact list of libraries that fail to build is:
The same behavior has been reproduced on 4 out of 5 machines we tried
it on and all might have a bit different setups so there is no obvious
reason why the it works on one machine (perhaps the overrun simply is
not detected correctly there :-(). The one machine that it worked on is
one of the developer's home box and so definitely can not be considered
a controlled environment :-).
Is this a known problem? Anyone else encountered it?
If needed we can easily reproduce it and help someone debug it.
Attached is the exact boost build output when attempting to build
libraries that failed and a screen shot of the error message box.
Best regards,
Jurko Gospodnetić
Building Boost.Regex with the optional Unicode/ICU support disabled.
Please refer to the Boost.Regex documentation for more information
(don't panic: this is a strictly optional feature).
warning: No toolsets are configured.
warning: Configuring default toolset "msvc".
warning: If the default is wrong, you may not be able to build C++ programs.
warning: Use the "--toolset=xxxxx" option to override our guess.
warning: For more configuration options, please consult
warning: http://boost.org/boost-build2/doc/html/bbv2/advanced/configuration.html
...found 5786 targets...
...updating 56 targets...
compile-c-c++ bin.v2\libs\graph\build\msvc-7.1\debug\threading-multi\read_graphviz_spirit.obj
call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\bin\vcvars32.bat" >nul
cl /Zm800 -nologo @"bin.v2\libs\graph\build\msvc-7.1\debug\threading-multi\read_graphviz_spirit.obj.rsp"
...failed compile-c-c++ bin.v2\libs\graph\build\msvc-7.1\debug\threading-multi\read_graphviz_spirit.obj...
Hello all,
When attempting to build Boost 1.34.0 on Windows XP SP2 (full updates applied) using MSVC 7.1 (both with and without SP1 applied) several of the libraries fail to build.
They cause Visual Studio's compiler cl.exe to crash with a 'Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library' error message box stating: 'A buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the program's internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution and must now be terminated.'.
<skip> I've built the boost 1.34 successfully in the same configuration using the same tool. -- Best regards, Serge mailto:serge.skorokhodov@tochka.ru
I believe we've found the reason for this behavior. It seems that when we specify the toolset explicitly (e.g. use --toolset=msvc-7.1 on the command-line) then everything works fine but if we leave it up to Boost.Build to detect the correct toolset - it does find it but none the less the build fails. We have more information on this but will take it to the Boost.Build newsgroup. Best regards, Jurko Gospodnetić
participants (2)
Jurko Gospodnetić
Serge Skorokhodov