managing "interesting syntax" checks

/* This code detects the presence of particular syntax in a type. The relevant part is the template class syntax_member_insert: it will ramify into an unbounded set of similar classes, each of which is checking for some particular interesting bit of syntax. I am aware of parts of boost that grapple with this issue very directly: boost::concept_check The concepts to be checked are close kin to the syntax I'm looking for. boost::concept_traits Again, the concepts to be checked are close kin to the syntax I'm looking for. And I'm aware of parts of boost that touch on this issue indirectly: boost::function Contains a really nice mechanism for expressing function signatures. In point of fact, one effort that I made to generalize the implementation of syntax_member_insert yielded a solution with template classes like: template< typename x, typename xRet, typename xDummy = dummy, ... > struct member_function; template< typename x, typename xRet > member_function< x, xRet >; template< typename x, typename xRet, typename xP0 > member_function< x, xRet, xP0 >; These look suspiciously like the boost::functionX< > templates. boost::type_traits The is_* classes are used in one of the ways that I would want to use supports_syntax. boost::mpl Represents a *lot* of other uses for supports_syntax. It seems to me that it would be good to express this unbounded set of interesting syntax checks so that all of those facilities can use it. Does such a mechanism already exist? Is it feasable to create it using existing boost facilities? Is it feasable to create it at all? */ #include<ostream> using namespace std; template< typename xParm > struct syntax_member_insert { template< typename x, x & (x::*)( xParm ) = &x::insert > struct match; }; template< typename x, typename xSyntax > struct supports_syntax { private: typedef char ret_true; struct ret_false{ char c[2]; }; template< typename > static ret_false func( ... ); template< typename xX > static ret_true func( typename xSyntax::template match< xX > * ); public: static const bool value = ( sizeof( func< x >( 0 ) ) == sizeof( ret_true ) ); }; struct passes { passes & insert( char ); }; struct fails{}; int main() { cout << supports_syntax< passes, syntax_member_insert< char > >::value << endl; cout << supports_syntax< fails, syntax_member_insert< char > >::value << endl; }
participants (1)
Howard Gardner