[iostreams] filtering_ostream does not flush std::cout.

I'm using Boost 1.43.0, and I've found that filtering_ostream does not
flush "std::cout". I found a relevant (and recent) ticket against
Boost 1.44.0, but my issue is slightly different.
I'm using GCC 4.3.4 on Gentoo Linux.
I'm hoping that I'm just doing something wrong, but if you think
there's a bug, I'll add my testcase to the ticket.
The basic recipe:
filtering_ostream out;
out << "Hello World!" << std::flush;
sleep(10); // Observe an empty console.
std::cout << std::flush;
sleep(10); // Observe printed text on console.
This problem is quite bad for me when doing the following on the
command-line (for a more complicated program):
./program 2>&1 | tee some-file.log
Because stdout is not getting flushed, the stdout and stderr get
intermingled strangely.
However, disabling buffering on stdout works around the problem:
stdbuf --output=0 ./program 2>&1 | tee some-file.log
Please tell me if you think there's a bug in my code. If it's a bug
in Boost.Iostreams (or I'm expecting the wrong behaviour), I would
appreciate any ideas for workarounds (I tried cout.setf(unitbuf), and
that doesn't seem to do the trick).
Here's the full text of my code:
// Test case for flushing a filtering_ostream based on the
// boost_iostreams_filtering_ostream.cpp attached to ticket #4950:
// https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/4590
// https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/attachment/ticket/4590/boost_iostreams_filt...
// changed to use "cout" as the sink.
// Flushing a filtering_ostream using the flush() global function does not work
// in Boost 1.43. I suspect it also does not work in Boost 1.44.
// Using GCC-4.3.4 on Gentoo Linux.
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
participants (1)
Duncan Smith