[Boost.Test] User Exception handling

Hello. On the webpage I read: In case if your test cases may throw custom exceptions (see here for list of exceptions translated by default), you could register translator specific for that exception. http://www.boost.org/libs/test/doc/components/utf/index.html So, if I understand it right, if I throw some custom exception in my test program and do not catch it, then it is catched by the boost test framework and reported in the proper way - if the exception can be translated by default. Now I look at the exceptions, which can be translated by default and see: In majority of the cases the monitored function doesn't need to throw the boost::execution_exception to report an error in the Execution Monitor. If you want a custom error message to be included into the execution_exception's error message, use one of the following C++ types as an exception: * C string. * std:string. * any exception class in std::exception hierarchy. http://www.boost.org/libs/test/doc/components/execution_monitor/index.html#c... So, I can use a C string for my exception. I have written a small example test case and included throwing of an uncaught exception in it: try{ throw "blub"; } catch(char* ex){ throw; } As I started the testing process I didn't get a "blub"-Exception message, but Boost.Test internal framework error: unknown reason So, what's wrong? Why is "blub" not reported as "blub"? Can anybody explain that? Regards Ewgenij

1. Please provide a complete example
2. What version of boost r u using?
Version 1.33.1 Best regards Ewgenij Sokolovski -- GMX FreeMail: 1 GB Postfach, 5 E-Mail-Adressen, 10 Free SMS. Alle Infos und kostenlose Anmeldung: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/freemail

"Ewgenij Sokolovski"
Yes. At the moment init_unit_test_suite invocation is not guarded. I should probably change this. At the moment you've got 2 options: 1. Use global fixture (1.34.0) instead of init_unit_test_suite 2. use framework::setup_error to report initialization error
And why it is not possible to determine the location of the exception (the line number) when I include it into myTestCase?
Because C++ doesn't provide a way ;). Do you know one? Gennadiy

2. use framework::setup_error to report initialization error
Is it already in the 1.33.1 version? I couldn't find such a function.
Nope:) But I'm not a C++-guru, I'm only a poor computer science student at the beginning of my professional career:) -- GMX FreeMail: 1 GB Postfach, 5 E-Mail-Adressen, 10 Free SMS. Alle Infos und kostenlose Anmeldung: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/freemail

Ewgenij Sokolovski wrote: [SNIP]
Maybe "blub" was interpreted as "char[5]" or "char const *" instead of "char *". At least the first alternate choice is incompatible with "char *" as far as exception type matching is concerned. (The C family of languages is broken in that it treats arrays as pointers with funny settings. And even that breakage is broken because it uses that treatment only 90% of the time; the other 10% of uses treat arrays and pointers differently [e.g. extern], and you probably found one of them.) -- Daryle Walker Mac, Internet, and Video Game Junkie darylew AT hotmail DOT com

Might be a bit OT, but that reminds me of a classical paper from 1966 (Peter Landin, "The next 700 Programming Languages"): "For most programming languages there are certain statements of the kind, "There is a systematic equivalence between pieces of program like this, and pieces like that," that nearly hold but not quite." Just something that came to my mind.
participants (6)
Daryle Walker
Ewgenij Sokolovski
Ewgenij Sokolovski
Gennadiy Rozental
Gottlob Frege