Re: [Boost-users] boost::bind syntax with a vector of weak_ptrs
Thanks Jeff. I am catching on.
This code worked well: (for shared_ptrs)
const string& dref(const shared_ptr<string> &sp)
return *sp;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
What is the correct boost::bind syntax to use with a standard algorithm such as find_if with an array of weak_ptrs or shared_ptrs to an object such as a string?
My weak attempt to figure this out is below:
shared_ptr<string> sp1(new string("Play ")); shared_ptr<string> sp2(new string("with ")); shared_ptr<string> sp3(new string("C++!"));
a_vector; a_vector.push_back(weak_ptr<string>(sp1)); a_vector.push_back(weak_ptr<string>(sp2)); a_vector.push_back(weak_ptr<string>(sp3));
// What is the correct syntax here? find_if(a_vector.begin(), a_vector.end(), (bind(&equal_to<string>(), _1))(string("Play "));
The above has many problems unrelated to weak_ptrs. (bind(&equal_to<string>(),_1))(string("Play ")); |----------------------------||---------------| a b Part "a" above is not a properly formed bind expression: 1 - you are passing the address of an equal_to<...> instance. 2 - equal_to<...> expects two arguments you supply one. Part "b" attempts to invoke the function object resulting from Part "a", and passes the result(if part "a" were well formed); a bool to find_if. find_if then tries to apply operator() to the bool, which again is ill formed. The proper bind expression for comparing a string _value_ is: bind( equal_to<string>(), _1, string("Play ") ) To use this you'd need an indirect or transform iterator adaptor that derefs the weak ptrs. See I'm not sure of the details in using an indirect iterator with weak_ptr. A transform iterator would require you to provide a deref function, and use it with the iterator adaptor library. This is untested code: std::string deref_wps( weak_ptr<string> wps ){ return /* derefed wps */; } find_if( make_transform_iterator(a_vector.begin(),&deref_wps) , make_transform_iterator(a_vector. end(),&deref_wps) , bind( equal_to<string>(), _1, string("Play ") ) ); Or using some of the nice operator overloading provided by bind, you can forego the iterator adaptors: find_if( a_vector.begin() , a_vector. end() , bind( &deref_wps, _1 ) == string("Play ") ); Jeff _______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list ____________________________________________________________________________________ Get your own web address. Have a HUGE year through Yahoo! Small Business.
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