I'm trying to create a thread pool / task queue like system via
boost::asio::io_service and boost::packaged_task rather than attempt to
make 800+ threads for 800+ tasks that I have to make. (I'm not sure of
the various concurrency issues that I might have, so reducing thread
creation overhead is probably one of my big refactorings in my project.)
A cursory glance from various sources reveals that I could do something
like the following:
template <class Ret>
class TaskWrapper {
// Wrapper around a boost::shared_ptr, as
// requires copyable input
boost::shared_ptr task;
boost::unique_future<Ret> future;
TaskWrapper(boost::shared_ptr& task_) :
task_(task) {}
void operator()() { (*task)(); }
boost::unique_future<Ret> get_future() { return future; }
class TaskQueue {
boost::asio::io_service io_service;
boost::asio::io_service work;
boost::thread_group threads;
void run() { io_service.run(); }
TaskQueue(std::size_t size = boost::thread::hardware_concurrency()) :
work(io_service) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
// Create threads in pool
threads.create_thread(boost::bind(&TaskQueue::run, this));
~TaskQueue() {
template<class Ret>
boost::unique_future<Ret> schedule(TaskWrapper<Ret>& task) {
return task.get_future();
There are a few questions that I'd like to ask with this:
* Would you recommend this?
* To retrieve the results, I'd still have to extract all the futures
(from TaskQueue::schedule() returns) into a list of
boost::shared_futures, and then call boost::wait_for_all() on the list,
* If a TaskWrapper itself posts other tasks, would a priority inversion
or resource starvation issue occur (I keep thinking that it will, for
some reason). How should I address this?