Boost.python with custom (Anaconda) python installation on Mac OSX
Dear all, Sorry for asking a probably basic question, I have been trying to use boost. python with Anaconda python ( on Mac OSX without success. My current installation works with the standard OSX python, for example by running the test in boost_1_55_0/libs/python/example/quickstart using the following command: $/usr/bin/python where /usr/bin/python is the default OSX python. In contrast the command: $python where python is the custom Anaconda one fails with Trying: from extending import * Expecting nothing Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread Abort trap: 6 I understand this is due to boost linking the wrong python --- i.e. the system python instead of the Anaconda one - -- but I cannot make up my mind on how to change this, despite the fact that the project-config.jam file created by seems to correctly point to the anaconda installation. Please let me know if I can provide more details. Thanks in advance for your help, gianluca
participants (1)
Gianluca Meneghello