unit and functional testing of boost statechart

Hello All, I like to do unit and functional testing of our implemented statemachine written using boost - statechart. Is there any framework for that?? anyone did any unit testing and suggestion?? Regards Rahul Protim Baruah

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I like to do unit and functional testing of our implemented statemachine written using boost - statechart.
Is there any framework for that?? anyone did any unit testing and suggestion??
Boost.Test is the unit testing library provided by boost. See here for a tutorial: http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com/2009/07/04/c-unit-tests-with-boost-te... http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com/2009/07/05/c-unit-tests-with-boost-te... http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com/2009/07/05/c-unit-tests-with-boost-te... http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com/2009/07/05/c-unit-tests-with-boost-te... http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com/2009/07/05/c-unit-tests-with-boost-te... -- "The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book http://tinyurl.com/d3d-pipeline The Computer Graphics Museum http://computergraphicsmuseum.org The Terminals Wiki http://terminals.classiccmp.org Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) http://legalizeadulthood.wordpress.com
participants (2)
rahul baruah