newbie doubts in compilation process

Hi all, I am newbie in Boost libraries, and I'm specially interested in Graph Library (BGL). I'm working with VC++ 6.0 and I have a couple of questions about usign the library under this SDK. Of course I've read the Boost documentation and I know VC++ 6 doesn't pass the regresion test but I'm doubty about the compilation process. Those are the steps I followed: 1.- I did the outlined comands in getting started cd boost_1_31_0 bjam "-sTOOLS=msvc" install As result I obtained in drive C: a boost dir with "include" and "libs" subdirs and boost_date_time-vc6-mt-1_31.dll boost_date_time-vc6-mt-gd-1_31.dll boost_filesystem-vc6-mt-1_31.dll boost_filesystem-vc6-mt-gd-1_31.dll boost_regex-vc6-mt-1_31.dll boost_regex-vc6-mt-gd-1_31.dll boost_signals-vc6-mt-1_31.dll boost_signals-vc6-mt-gd-1_31.dll boost_thread-vc6-mt-gd-1_31.dll and the related .lib files. Why aren't there any .dll file of the others libraries(graph, math, type_traits...)??? 2.- I executed bjam in directory: BOOST_ROOT\libs\graph\test and what I obtained was empty directories like BOOST_ROOT\bin\boost\libs\graph\test\vector_graph_cc.test\msvc\debug just one for every test source. I supose that is due to VC++ 6.0 is not able to compile the BGL, is that the reason??? I get something similar if I executed bjam in directory: BOOST_ROOT\libs\graph\examples 3. I did that ---> A full set of tests and status tables can be run thusly on a Windows system: cd %BOOST_ROOT%\status bjam --dump-tests test >bjam.log 2>&1 start notepad bjam.log (this is just a cut of the full file ilustrating the output related to graph library) boost-test(COMPILE) "property_iter" : "libs\graph\test\property_iter.cpp" boost-test(COMPILE) "copy" : "libs\graph\test\copy.cpp" boost-test(COMPILE) "vector_graph_cc" : "libs\graph\test\vector_graph_cc.cpp" boost-test(RUN) "isomorphism" : "libs\graph\test\isomorphism.cpp" boost-test(RUN) "subgraph" : "libs\graph\test\subgraph.cpp" boost-test(COMPILE) "reverse_graph_cc" : "libs\graph\test\reverse_graph_cc.cpp" boost-test(COMPILE) "graph_concepts" : "libs\graph\test\graph_concepts.cpp" boost-test(RUN) "graph" : "libs\graph\test\graph.cpp" boost-test(COMPILE) "filtered_graph_cc" : "libs\graph\test\filtered_graph_cc.cpp" boost-test(COMPILE) "edge_list_cc" : "libs\graph\test\edge_list_cc.cpp" boost-test(COMPILE) "dijkstra_cc" : "libs\graph\test\dijkstra_cc.cpp" boost-test(COMPILE) "dfs_cc" : "libs\graph\test\dfs_cc.cpp" boost-test(RUN) "dfs" : "libs\graph\test\dfs.cpp" boost-test(COMPILE) "bfs_cc" : "libs\graph\test\bfs_cc.cpp" boost-test(RUN) "bfs" : "libs\graph\test\bfs.cpp" boost-test(COMPILE) "adj_matrix_cc" : "libs\graph\test\adj_matrix_cc.cpp" boost-test(COMPILE) "adj_list_cc" : "libs\graph\test\adj_list_cc.cpp" boost-test(RUN) "transitive_closure_test" : "libs\graph\test\transitive_closure_test.cpp" What is quite surprising to me because it's suposed VC++ can't compile all BGL, Some explanation about this ??? Thanks a lot ...(I continue diving in ) --------------------------------- Antivirus Filtros antispam 6 MB gratis ¿Todavía no tienes un correo inteligente?

At 04:48 AM 2/26/2004, Gustavo Sánchez wrote:
Hi all,
I am newbie in Boost libraries, and I'm specially interested in Graph Library (BGL). I'm working with VC++ 6.0 and I have a couple of questions
about usign the library under this SDK.
Of course I've read the Boost documentation and I know VC++ 6 doesn't pass the regresion test but I'm doubty about the compilation process. Those are the steps I followed:
1.- I did the outlined comands in getting started
Why aren't there any .dll file of the others libraries(graph, math, type_traits...)???
Many boost libs including these are implemented entirely in their headers. So there is no need to build object libs.
2.- I executed bjam in directory: BOOST_ROOT\libs\graph\test
If you are just planning to use the BGL in your own projects, you don't need to learn how to use bjam. Just start using the BGL headers via the usual IDE settings. Note that while VC++ 6.0 is so old and decrepit that it has a lot of trouble with the BGL and other modern template libraries, it does work with at least some of the simpler use cases. That's a trap in one way, however. You will have a lot of trouble telling if you have made a mistake or if the compiler is just messing up. If you can't afford to upgrade to VC++ 7.1, which is 1000% better with templates in general and Boost code in particular, you might consider using GCC since it is also a modern compiler and free too. Consider since it provides a complete package ready to go in the Windows environment. You don't have to run the bash shell; cygwin works fine from the regular Windows command line. --Beman
participants (2)
Beman Dawes
Gustavo Sánchez