newbie: bjam with mwcw, #include "user" and <system> paths

I am a newbie and have a few questions.
1. Re: bjam suspicious output with Metrowerks CodeWarrior 9.2
My command line tools times goes back to mpw on the Mac pre 1990...
The boost documentation looks very good but it still assumes a knowledge of
command line tools.
I have managed to build 2 Win targets:
One that I hope I will be able to drop into a large ms vc7.2 solution and an
other for a mw cw 9.2 workspace.
(I sure wish boost deployed ready made .vcproj and .mcp files...)
I have extracted the boost source to:
I have also downloaded bjam.exe (3.1.10-1-ntc86) and copied it to the
boost_1_31_0 root.
So, I launched a cmd window:
cd C:\boost_1_31_0
bjam "-sVC71_ROOT=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7"
This generates:
- include\
- lib\
include\ is basically a copy of the source without a few make specific
files but with all the platform specific source intact.
I assume this is a "basic installation" for use with ms vc7. I have managed
to use it making a few tests with boost::shared_ptr.
So far so good.
I proceeded to make the mwcw target after renaming C:\Boost\ to
bjam "-sCWPRO8_ROOT=C:\Program Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior" install
This process is much much faster and the new files I get in C:\Boost\include
C:Boost\lib are exactly the same as those generated a while ago by the vc7
compiler (the libs have exactly the same timestamp). In fact it doesn't look
as if anything is ever compiled.
This is making me suspicious. However I have managed to make a similar test
with boost::shared_ptr. Off course, none of the generated libraries are
involved so I am probably just kidding myself.
2. The boost source is mixing "user" and <system> paths. For instance in
#include "boost/config.hpp"
participants (1)
Conrad Weyns