hello boosters,
I have a class ( say user_type ) that i would like to use for storing
cmd line option and therefore i have a validate function for the same
void validate ( boost::any& v, const std::vectorstd::string&
xs, * target, int i )
I wanted to know if it is possible to access the actual variable in which
the option would be stored from within the validate function.
Meaning if i the options_description is something like below:
//here user_type_object is an instance of user_type
("option_name" , po::value(&user_type_object), "some option" )
Is it possible to access the user_type_object in the validate function? If
so please let me know how ?
P.S: I am resending this mail as my mail sys. crashed after i sent it the
first time in morningso not sure if this was sent. If any one has replied
earlier request
that they redo as i have lost earlier mails
Thanks & Rgds,