hi, i'm trying to do some simple casts using boost, to and from webToolkit widgets, i.e int i = 42; WString str; str = boost::lexical_cast<WString>(i); i get a compilaton error that goes something like this: lexical_cast.hpp(768): no operator ">>" matches these oprands... could it be a matter of updating my boost version? ( i'm using boost version 1.35) is there another way to make conversions without boost? thanks, Shalev.
i'm trying to do some simple casts using boost, to and from webToolkit widgets, i.e
int i = 42; WString str; str = boost::lexical_cast<WString>(i);
i get a compilaton error that goes something like this: lexical_cast.hpp(768): no operator ">>" matches these oprands...
Here's the reference of lexical_cast: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_39_0/libs/conversion/lexical_cast.htm#lexica...
participants (2)
Igor R
zeev mintz